Home > Integrations > YouTube > Create API Access




FUSE will need you to generate API keys for us. If you've never done this before it can seem a bit complicated.  Even though it's YouTube, Google centralizes all of its products’ API access under something called “Google APIs.”  So, you need to sign into the Google API Console - be sure to do this signed in as the target channel's admin.

You'll see language about billing - no worries since YouTube's API access quota is way above the # of requests we'll be making daily.  Google APIs generally only charges for use for applications that are making tens of thousands of requests regularly.

Warning: this is 20-30 minutes of your life you’ll never get back. If it starts getting too hot and heavy, feel free to share your YouTube credentials with us and we’ll take care of it.


Visit the Google API Console’s API Library page. You may be promoted to select your country/language.

Look near the top left near the Google APIs logo. Find and click on the ‘Select a project’ menu (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 — Select a project Menu in the Google APIs API Library Interface

Figure 1 — Select a project Menu in the Google APIs API Library Interface

A dialog will open. Select 'New Project' in the top right (see Figure 2).  Give it a meaningful name like 'FUSE Search' and click ‘Create.’ You can leave the Location field at its default.

Figure 2 — Select New Project from the Select a project dialog in the Google APIs API Library Interface

Figure 2 — Select New Project from the Select a project dialog in the Google APIs API Library Interface

Now go back up to the ‘Select a project’ menu (see Figure 1) and select the project you just created.


Next, go back to the Library one of three ways. For example, by selecting ‘Library’ from the left side navigation menu (see Figure 3 for this option and two others).

Figure 3 — Return to the API Library by selecting either Library, Enable APIs and Services, or the API library link.

Figure 3 — Return to the API Library by selecting either Library, Enable APIs and Services, or the API library link.

In the ‘Search for APIs & Services’ search field, enter youtube and select ‘YouTube Data API v3’ from the results shown. You’ll be brought to another screen where you’ll need to click the ‘ENABLE’ button. The YouTube Data API will now be added to the project you created!


Click the 'Create Credentials' link you see before you and select ‘API Key.’

Copy that key and put it in an email to FUSE.

Optional: if you want to ensure only FUSE is able to access the API with this key, you can select ‘Restrict Key’ from the ‘API key created’ dialog and enter each of FUSE’s IP addresses (Application restrictions > IP addresses). You’ll need to enter each from the FUSE IP range one at a time by selecting ‘Add an Item.’

Phew! You did it! You’re a certified YouTube API nerd now. Congratulations!