All Together Now.

Dividing line made up of six colors.

Unify Your Content Sources.
Display Your Information Anywhere.
Become Your Industry’s Knowledge Hub.
All with Our Content Discovery Platform.

Chaos to Clarity

Our Content Discovery Platform gathers your content from multiple sources and brings it all together in one place - whether that’s your website, an AI chatbot, a member directory, or wherever you need your best stuff to shine.

The right content. In the right place. At right time. With AI.

Our AI-driven Content Discovery Platform gathers valuable content from any source into a single index - organized, curated, and ready to be presented to the world however you’d like.

FUSE's original yet never more powerful. Content drawn from all of your content sources in one aggregated index shows your users what they've been missing.

FUSE already has all of your organization's knowledge in an aggregate index — layer Vero™ on top to complete the ultimate user experience.

Let's Chat

Create dynamic listings of content on the fly, all drawn from your FUSE index, and easily embeddable in any HTML/CSS container on any webpage anywhere.

FUSE may already be synced with your CRM. With that work already done why not have FUSE power your directory too? It just makes sense!

Frsutrated with your out of the box default display? Since FUSE has all of that data stored, visualize it any way you'd like then embed it using FUSE's powerful embed framework.

Meet your users where they are. Show me everything related to _________ no matter where that content lives. Videos, Articles, Posts, Products — you name it. With FUSE, you're the center of your users' universe.

Screenshot that depicts FUSE AI Federated Search results page with content items coming from Website, Community, and Journal sources along with filters available to apply listed down the left hand side.

We call it “Link and Sync”

These are just a few of the systems we’ve connected to and pulled content from.

Extendable and Scalable.

Use our suite of tools to make your content more discoverable, more helpful, more wow.

  • Every content object FUSE ingests gets the royal treatment — with an AI generated title and summary. No more Manual110_FinalEdits-Dina.pdf or page titles that don’t properly explain the content at hand. Plus, users get a quick synopsis of what the content is all about before clicking. Win-win!

  • You may have a list of taxonomy (e.g. topics, classifications, tags) that are meaningful to your users. Many organizations, however, are stuck: years and years worth of valuable content with varying degrees of classification applied, inconsistent or different classification across content sources, or no classifications at all.

    Our Topic Modeling offering can get your content organized efficiently using AI.

    Learn more about FUSE Topic Modeling™ AI

  • When a user is interested in a specific topic they can subscribe to that topic or sub-topic and have your most recently posted content delivered directly to their inbox.

    Learn more about FUSE Subscribe™

  • FUSE uses AI to recognize and capture text within images and/or video to make it discoverable. Webinar recordings that feature slide decks are a particularly good use case.

    Learn more about FUSE Optic™ AI

  • Real-time connection between Google Analytics and your website’s FUSE activity and included with every instance of FUSE. FUSE can take it a step further with FUSE Trends Plus™ where our Trends engine will track activity in your analytics account to influence FUSE algorithms.

    Learn more about FUSE Trends™

  • Customer insights like never before — directly from those customers. FUSE Feedback™ invites users to record their screens from within FUSE interfaces to share their wisdom. It’s the ultimate feedback loop from the ultimate content discovery platform.

    Learn more about FUSE Feedback™

  • FUSE uses AI-assisted translation to take a user’s input (e.g. läranderesurser — ‘learning resources’ in Swedish) and convert it to the language that best represents the majority of your FUSE-stored content. This allows users to interact in their dominant language while still yielding fruitful content insights.

  • Do not underestimate how powerful and clever FUSE’s embed framework is. It may not sound exciting but it means no “integration” necessary to render FUSE on whatever platform you’ve got. It also means you can share FUSE with partners or chapters or other entities and they also don’t have to “integrate.” If it can display HTML/CSS, it can display FUSE.

Our Latest Thinking and Doing

HR Source Logo

Kevin Menzer
Chief Operating Officer
HR Source

HR Source serves the needs of 1300 companies and organizations in their role as employers. As an association committed to connecting our members with valuable information and resources, FUSE Next has been invaluable.

FUSE continues to innovate, providing cutting-edge features and functions we could not otherwise offer.

When you’re ready to show off your best content.

Quick Discovery Call

Schedule a web conference with us to get started. We’ll listen to your needs, gather details about your systems and goals, and answer questions.

Establish Your Information Sources

Whether you have one content source or ten, we’ll guide you step by step through the process.

Drop Your Content Anywhere!

It’s like embedding a YouTube video on a page. Our turnkey approach to implementation gives you the ability to port your aggregated content anywhere.

Association professionals at a conference discussing FUSE Next.

All Together Now, Now

This isn’t a next year thing.
Seamlessly delivering the right content in the right place at the right time is a today thing.