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FUSE SEARCH Integration
iMIS is one of the originals. Some organizations use it for both their AMS and CMS (RiSE). FUSE can search both and completely elevate your members’ level of engagement via your content. We get to iMIS’ data/content using the iMIS REST API.
Full RiSE Support
Some organizations use iMIS as their AMS as well as their CMS (what iMIS calls RiSE). FUSE is the only content visualization engine that has a proprietary method for indexing unstructured content in RiSE. The out of the box API made available by ASI (Advanced Solutions International, the makers of iMIS) were designed to interact with structured content (e.g. events, products) vs. unstructured content (e.g. your About Us or Resources pages).
FUSE has devised a way to reach unstructured RiSE content via API - replete with taxonomical information and metadata such as tags and user permissions.
FUSE indexes your iMIS-based structured content and RiSE-based unstructured content seamlessly together, along with other desired content sources, into one federated content visualization experience.
Webinar Recording
If you’ve got some time to spare, enjoy the following video of a webinar we conducted on FUSE Search and iMIS.
19:05 webinar about FUSE Search given to organizations that use iMIS.